Nineteen Twenty
Do you ever run across someone’s story that’s so magnificent, so beautiful, it takes your breath away? I’m breathless right now and wanted to give an update to everyone what I’m busy working on. First of all, thank you to everyone who supports my writing efforts. I read all the feedback—the good, the bad and the ugly—and take every thought and opinion into consideration when moving forward.
My intentions are to write about women who empower themselves, who become strong. Growing up, I was weak, so weak. I stood in horror as a male figure completely dominated my life, and those around me. As a woman, I try to focus on being strong, and using my past as leverage to help others who need to find their footing in this world. It can be very cruel out there, and watching that cruelness creep across the planet has sharpened my focus to helping others.
After my last book, Refined, I spent months looking through vintage photos online trying to find that right person to write about. I had created a list of women as possibilities, but the moment I saw her, I knew she was the one. Once I started researching her, it was settled. She is the subject of my next book. I can’t say who she is (sorry, it’s a surprise!) but her story is from the 1920s. It is a historical fiction book and for the most part, it is writing itself. I’m just lending a hand. There is a cast of colorful characters (also true people) in the book and I am very grateful that I get to tell her story. At times, I get teary eyed and I think you will too. Her story, like thousands of others, needs to be told.
I promise to get back to posting soon, but I hope to have the book finished in the next month so I am focusing on that.
Thanks again for the support and messages. It is appreciated. If you want to stay up to date, you can follow this site, or on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Lots of love to everyone—T.